Should you renovate your existing house or build a brand new home?
Sometimes the choice is obvious, and other times it takes a little more insight, experience, and professional expertise to know and understand the tradeoffs. There's no universally right answer, just the one that makes the most sense for your specific circumstance. If this is something on your mind, let's discuss it.
Feasibility? Zoning? Permitting?
You have ideas, but maybe you aren't sure if the local officials or codes will allow you to do it! And even if they do, maybe there are construction or design challenges that impact the budget or construction schedule. It saves valuable time (and effort) when you get this information sorted, making forward movement more productive. I can help.
What's the whole process like? How do I find a good contractor at fair prices?
The design and construction process takes one of several pathways, depending on your unique situation. The right path, the right builder, the right price, the right schedule are all factors at play. Knowing which path to choose to ultimately arrive at your intended destination gives great peace of mind.